All the way

Go all the way.
The light was warm and powerful on the banks of the Kalihiwai River at the end of a tropical day and there was this tree, inviting and full of promise. Beatrice had noticed that fish and shrimps were wading all around but she couldn't see all the way to the end of the tree, the only way to see what was hiding there was to go there, put one foot in front of the other with great care and confidence to finally get to the end!

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Go to the end.
The light was warm and powerful on the edge of the Kalihiwai river at the end of that tropical day and there was this tree, inviting and full of promise. Beatrice had noticed that all around floundering fish and shrimp, but she could not see to the end of the tree, the only way to see what was hiding was to go that far, put one foot in front of the other with great care and confidence to finally go all the way.

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