
ed and bea, film 6x7 june 2014

Fine Art 120 Photo Film

"It was in 1988, at the age of 14, that photography appeared to me as an extraordinary means of expression. Nature and wide open spaces attract me, I dream of travelling around the world, camera around my neck. At that time, photography was still sacred, the darkroom was my favourite place, the smell of the chemical baths, its tranquil aspect and the red light, it was magic!" Brigitte...

The collections presented here represent this vanished magic, each image was made with a traditional 6×7 pentax camera and various 120 films.


"It was at the age of 14 back in 1988 that the photograph appears to me as an extraordinary means of expression. The nature and the great outdoors attract me, I dream to travel around the world, camera in the neck. At that time, photography was still scared, the darkroom was my favorite place, the smell of bath chemistry, his calm appearance and red lighting, it was magical. "Brigitte...

The collections presented here represents this lost magic, each image was made with a traditional camera Pentax 6×7 and varied films, each roll is only ten 10 exposures, so I hold my breath every time I ' press the shutter button.

Collection privée / Private collection en / in location